Data Dashboarding: Exploring Tools and Frameworks for Python

Navya Agarwal

Navya Agarwal

Navya Agarwal is a 21-year-old Computer Science student based out of Delhi, India. She has spoken at PyCon India 2023 and PyDelhi Conference 2023. She worked as an Open Source Developer with NetworkX as part of the Outreachy program 2023. She is currently working as an intern on the Machine Learning Engineering team at Corteva Agriscience. She is passionate about Open Source, specifically the scientific Python ecosystem, and is also working to restart the PyLadies Delhi chapter!

Amogha Kancharla

Amogha Kancharla

Global Impact Scholar @Pydata | 1x AWS Certified | Open Source @Jupyter | Contributor @Women in Cloud Native | Member @Pyladies @AWS She Builds | Ex-Research Intern @DRDO


    Do you build data dashboards to tell stories? Do you aim to present research findings vividly through visualizations? Want to deliver actionable insights to stakeholders in an interactive format? Often, we are stuck using one technology stack/framework/solution because it's what we're used to or it's what's available. But this limits us. It stops us from deeply understanding how to solve problems or trying out new ideas. In this talk, we'll see how we can break free from these limits when it comes to building Data Dashboards. Using a dataset of visitors to Taiwan, we'll explore different tools and frameworks so as to choose the best one for each job. We'll take a walk through the Python Data Dashboarding ecosystem, introducing its most prominent players and showcasing how a Jupyter Notebook analysis can be transformed into interactive dashboards using each tool. Through a systematic comparison, we delve into each framework's strengths, weaknesses, and diverse applications.





    Day 1 • 02:50-03:20 (UTC)


    English talk




    Data Analysis